
How can CNC processing plants achieve long-term development in the face of environmental protection restrictions?

Publish Time: 2024-09-04
1. Improve environmental awareness and compliance

Strengthen environmental training: Train all employees on environmental laws and regulations, environmental awareness and environmental skills to ensure that every employee can recognize the importance of environmental protection and consciously abide by environmental regulations in daily work.

Comply with environmental laws and regulations: Pay close attention to and strictly abide by national and local environmental laws and regulations, such as the Environmental Protection Law and the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, to ensure that factory operations comply with legal requirements.

Improve the environmental management system: Establish and improve the environmental management system, formulate environmental regulations and systems, clarify the environmental responsibilities of various departments and positions, and ensure that environmental protection work is carried out in an orderly manner.

2. Optimize production processes and equipment

Adopt green production technology: Actively adopt advanced green production technologies, such as dry cutting, micro-lubrication cutting, etc., to reduce the use of cutting fluids and reduce the amount of waste fluids generated.

Upgrade CNC processing equipment: Select low-energy consumption and high-efficiency CNC processing equipment, optimize processing parameters, improve processing accuracy and efficiency, and reduce resource waste.

Implement waste liquid recycling: Invest in the establishment of a waste liquid treatment system to recycle waste liquids such as cutting fluids, reduce waste liquid emissions, and reduce environmental pollution.

3. Strengthen waste management

Classify and collect waste: Classify and collect waste generated during the production process, distinguish between recyclables and hazardous waste, etc., to facilitate subsequent treatment.

Safely dispose of waste: Strictly dispose of waste safely in accordance with national regulations, especially hazardous waste, which must be handled by qualified units to prevent secondary pollution to the environment.

4. Promote technological innovation and research and development

Increase R&D investment: Increase R&D investment in environmental protection technology, encourage employees to propose innovative environmental protection solutions, and continuously improve the environmental protection level of the factory.

Cooperation and exchange: Actively participate in environmental protection technology exchanges and cooperation within the industry, learn from the advanced experience and technical achievements of other companies, and jointly promote the green development of the CNC processing industry.

5. Enhance corporate image and brand value

Fulfill social responsibilities: Actively participate in social welfare activities, fulfill corporate social responsibilities, and establish a good image of the company.

Build a green brand: Integrate environmental protection concepts into corporate culture and brand image, create a green and environmentally friendly brand image, and attract more consumers and partners who pay attention to environmental protection.

6. Policy guidance and support

Pay attention to policy dynamics: Pay close attention to national and local policy dynamics on environmental protection, and adjust corporate strategies in a timely manner to adapt to policy changes.

Strive for policy support: Actively strive for environmental protection policy support from national and local governments, such as environmental protection subsidies, tax incentives, etc., to reduce the environmental protection costs of enterprises.

For CNC processing plants to achieve long-term development under environmental protection restrictions, they need to improve environmental awareness, optimize production processes and equipment, strengthen waste management, promote technological innovation and research and development, enhance corporate image and brand value, and pay attention to policy guidance and support.

With the rapid development of industry, there is a big development problem in the development of CNC processing manufacturers. Especially in environmental protection, we all know that in CNC processing, especially in the cutting link, in order to protect the quality of cutting tools and workpieces from high temperature damage, metal cutting fluid is generally added for cooling. In the cutting process, a large amount of cutting fluid/emulsion waste will be generated. The discharge of these wastes will seriously affect the environment.

For environmental protection and the provisions of the country's "Environmental Protection Law". There are serious restrictions on CNC processing manufacturers. Many CNC processing manufacturers use cheap metal cutting fluids to reduce costs. This practice not only seriously affects the environment, but also damages the tools. Therefore, it will not only not save costs, but also increase the processing costs by purchasing a large number of tools, which is not worth the loss. At present, with the continuous improvement of science and technology, it is a good way for CNC processing manufacturers to recycle waste cutting fluids. However, the recycling technology of cutting fluids is expensive and difficult. It is a useful suggestion for long-term development of CNC processing manufacturers.

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